Material Identification & Verification

Identify unknown or verify known components in liquid, solid or gas samples just by searching the IR or Raman sample spectrum of the analyzed material in pure compound databases.

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Infrared and Raman spectroscopy are powerful screening methods for fast and reliable material identification requirements. Especially, detection of material contaminants, unwanted side products or just verification of expected ingredients is very easy by just comparing a sample's IR or Raman spectrum with pure compound spectra in spectral libraries. We provide powerful solutions to unscramble unknown or verify known samples.

Spectral Libraries & Searching

  • Create your own spectral libraries and add spectra and other data with related text information
  • Perform spectral searches and subsequent residual searches
  • Perform full text searches and subsequent residual searches
  • Batch import data to easily create a library from legacy data
  • and more...

Manage your spectral data

Over time, plenty of spectra will accumulate when performing experiments including measurements every day. Your spectra may be saved somewhere on your hard disk or even spread over multiple computers. This can become a challenge if you need to compare an actual spectrum to one measured some time ago.

Bring order back to your desk. We provide powerful tools to archive your spectra and related text information. Searching an actual spectrum in your libraries, or even directly on your hard disk (in panorama, irAnalyze or RAMalyze) is done easily then.

Build up a powerful custom knowledge base system with your spectral data, molecules, and related analytical information.

Library Functions

Store your spectra and related information into a local library. Easy upload and download functionality, as well as library administration tools, help you administer your data. Various data and full text search functions and a quick search option provide optimal tools to find and retrieve data easily.

Directly search on third party libraries of type:

  • Galactic *.IDX
  • Nicolet Omnic *.LBD

Search again on previous search results to refine your search results. You may also scale and subtract a result spectrum from your original query spectrum. All search options are also applicable to all data located in your file system.

Spectrum Search Algorithms

Spectral data, or just certain spectral ranges, can be searched on one or more libraries simultaneously using various commonly accepted search algorithms, such as:

  • Scalar Product
  • Difference
  • Squared Difference
  • Derivative
  • Squared Derivative
  • Correlation Coefficient
  • Derivative Correlation Coefficient

Text Search

A comprehensive full text search functionality offers the best opportunities to find and filter analytical data in your libraries. Just type the word or words you are looking for and use wildcards to retrieve matching data stored in the library. The text search result can be filtered again using an actual spectrum being compared to the matches in your list.

Feel free to contact us if you're interested in expanding your software with the Library-Search Add-on Module.

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Contact us to purchase our software or to discuss project ideas and related questions. You can also experience the functionality of our software products with a no-obligation free trial.