IR Interpretation with Automated Functional Group Assignment

irAnalyze spectrum reader

With irAnalyze youre just a few clicks away from getting a reliable functional group interpretation result.

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and FTIR

Operating System

Windows Desktop


English, German
and Japanese


OEM-partnership or 
single use


Software Overview

What is irAnalyze?

irAnalyze is an efficient tool for interpreting IR spectra, offering streamlined workflows akin to those of seasoned spectroscopists. It automatically identifies functional groups based on over 1000 interpretation rules, eliminating the need for IR atlases and books.

Areas of Use

Some areas of application include:

Research and development, Education and training, Competitor product analysis, Recycling and damage analysis, Incoming goods inspection and goods identification, Forensic analysis

Liscensing Options

You can purchase the irAnalyze software either in the form of individual licenses or on the basis of an OEM partnership. Please contact us for further information.

Efficient and straightforward workflows with irAnalyze

  • Time saving workflows

    irAnalyze automatically detects up to 400 functional groups and more than 1000 characteristic vibration definitions.

  • Interactive analysis

    A built-in browser allows navigation through the spectrum for interactive analysis by means of mouse movement.

  • User-friendly interface

    The automated workflow follows the procedure of experienced spectroscopists and also makes it easier for less experienced users to operate.

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Interactive Analysis Browser

Navigate through the Spectrum

irAnalyze allows interactive interpretation as well as modification and optimisation of the results. Lower quality matches or unexpected funtcional groups can be removed from the list.

  • precise navigation over spectrum wavenumbers
  • matching functional groups are highlighted
  • no need for IR frequency catalogs

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Interpretation Rule Designer

Examine Characteristic IR Frequencies

Each chemical class or sub-class contains a number of functional groups corresponding to a fragment in a molecule. These functional groups in a molecule are responsible for a collection of characteristic bands in a spectrum.

  • irAnalyze contains a complete set of interpretation rules
  • characteristic IR frequencies of functional groups are available sorted by chemical substance classes
  • interpretation rules can be customized

More about the rule designer

Customizable Report Template

Submit your findings

All analysis data and related information can be exported and printed immediately via ready-made templates. These templates are automatically assigned and are easy to use and customise.

  • automatically assigned templates 
  • easy to use and customizable
  • allows integration of data from the Windows clipboard

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Tips and Tricks

Get the Most out of irAnalyze

Increase the quality and reliability of your spectrum interpretation results by combining IR interpretation with other tools:

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Ready to Dive In? Enhance Your Lab Today.

Contact us to purchase our software or to discuss project ideas and related questions. You can also experience the functionality of our software products with a no-obligation free trial.